Wednesday, 14 June 2006

Doctor Wong: Everybody's Alwight

Day Two of being solo overseer of my two kids brought the first truly big challenge. We all had to go to the see Doctor Wong, our pediatrician. This is the first time, Daddio is bringing both kids for check ups at the same time without backup, Tiernan for his 2.5 year look-see and Reagan for her four-month. The kids seem to like Doc. Wong . He’s nice doctor who has been really nice to us and doesn’t have any sort of Asian accent. He is more American than most of the mommies at the park, but his name makes for a funny headline.
As much as I was anticipating, big problems, such as Tiernan peeing all over the walls of the office while he’s in his birthday suit or running around the doctor’s office with syringes, while Reagan screamed her head off, alas none of this happened.
I did have to change Tiernan’s poopie diaper which materialized on the car ride over in the office, the visit was pretty non-eventful, which is the desired outcome from every doctor’s visit.
We continue to feed Tiernan, and as such he continues to grow. He is 28.5 lbs. and 36.25 inches tall. Doc Wong checked him from bow to stern and declared him shipshape.
Reagan is also taken to life in a good way. She is now 12 lbs, 8 ounces, and 23.25 inches long. We did, however, have some uncontrollable screaming and crying from my little princess. After Doc Wong declared her happy and healthy, she got four vaccinations. Two in each thigh. She screamed and screamed. At first it didn’t bother me. I understand a little pain now prevents much more pain and heartache in the future. I tried to explain this to Reagan, but she wanted no part of it. She failed to grasp the simple Machiavellian philosophy of ends justifying the means. She just went on and screamed and yelled and cried like baby. And then it started to bother me. She was in pain and I couldn’t do anything about it. My little girl was hurting, I held her and she cried more. It bothered me. She calmed down eventually and took and nice nap. Tiernan barely even noticed when he got shots as baby. It just didn’t phase him. He’s a tough guy. Reagan, my little girl, was a big sissy. I am pretty happy about that.

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