Friday, 2 June 2006


So you wanna be a SAHD, OK here are a few things that I have noticed in my two years as a Dad.
IT IS A JOB. A great job with a cool boss but it is work. And now that I am going to be teaching two new humans how to properly grow, act, learn, operate and comport themselves as members of a family and a society it is seriously going to cut into my Sci-Fi watching time.
One can only take so much Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the Builder, and besides kids shows, there is nothing to watch on daytime television if you are a normal guy. So, when Tiernan was napping I’d watch. Sci-Fi. Or as my wife calls it, “Soaps for Men.” I have seen all the Star Trek Next Generations, and got really hooked on Andromeda and Firefly. Currently, I am going through a Stargate SG-1 phase.
The key to all of this --HERE IS THE TIP FOR WANNABE SAHDS -- is Tivo. God Bless Tivo. Can I get an AMEN.
Since children can be unpredictable in their napping habits. You may not get a full hour and it may not be at the same time everyday. But, you can usually get 45 minutes, which is enough time to throw together a sandwich, change the laundry and watch a 1 hour television show, fast-forwarding through the credits and the Ditech/GIECO / Bowflex/Verizon DSL commercials. What is really cool is Sci-Fi network will run day long marathons of shows. A full day of Stargate Atlantis = 8 hours on the Tivo. I can’t watch them all at once, but I can watch them over a week or two. And just when I am getting finished watching all my saved shows, it’s time for another marathon. (Did you notice I said “my shows,” just like an old washer woman. You see Soaps for men. I told you she was brilliant.)
But, why is Sci-Fi so cagy with when they are going to run the marathons. Its not like every Monday is Andromeda day. Its Monday one week and then two weeks later its Friday. I don’t get it. There must be a pattern but damed if I can find it.
What else is a man going to watch. Jerry Springer? Oprah? That fraud Dr. Phil? I don’t think so.
Again the key is Tivo. God Bless Tivo. Amen.

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